High School Counseling
The DAA HS Counseling Department aims to empower students and families through comprehensive counseling with well-being, academic, career, and university counseling services. With a team of highly qualified counselors, we offer a transitional counselor dedicated to Grade 9, five counselors who support Grades 10-12 and one Well-Being Advisor who supports Grades 9-12. Students in Grades 10-12 are partnered with a counselor based upon their surname - allowing them to move through each year with the same counselor building a long lasting relationship.
The Counseling Team additionally supports students utilizing UniFrog. UniFrog is a platform where students can discover their interests, abilities and supportive tools that help bridge them from high school to university.
University Visits
Dubai American Academy welcomes college and university admissions representatives throughout the school year to speak with interested students during morning break. Approximately 250 universities from around the world visit our school every year.
These visits are limited to students only, but parents are always welcome to contact our office for the contact information of a visiting representative.
We welcome college and university admissions visitors during the school year to meet with our counselors and students in a short college fair-style format.
If you would like to book an appointment to visit Dubai American Academy, please go to our University Visits page.
Please go to our transcripts ordering page.