Course Guidance
Careers education and guidance is a key element of the school's Personal & Social Health and Careers Education (PSHCE) programme. It aims to develop the skills of young people so that they are able to make informed decisions about their life.
Students have access to the school Careers Library that contains a wide variety of printed and electronic media. The guidance process continues as students choose courses for their American School Curriculum Diploma or International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma.
Students will be provided with a flow of information about a wide variety of career opportunities complemented with a work experience placement.
Course Structure
Elementary School
i3 is our framework for nurturing our future leaders and creators.
Through an iNQUIRY-based, process driven learning experience grounded in the future, our students’ learning experiences are relevant, meaningful and authentic. Our students delve into conceptual understandings and through the challenge and support provided by formative feedback, our students rise to the high expectations of learning at DAA.
Our vast array of educational technology tools allow our teachers to embed drones, hands-on coding, trips around the world with VR and so much more into learning. iNNOVATION at DAA is a mindset and our ED-Tech allows us to fully engage our students in the joy of being Future-focused.
Leopard Pride. Through positive reinforcement, explicit expectations and logical consequences we foster iNTEGRITY in our students. Pride in school and themselves, a positive attitude in all they do, responsibility for their actions and acting respectfully at school and at home are our expectations of a Leopard.
Middle School
The Middle School includes grades 6 through 8. It is based on an enriched American instructional model and provides an environment in which all children can be creative and successful. Dubai American Academy has incorporated many middle school concepts in recent years as we strive to meet the social, emotional and academic needs of middle level students.
Each student is placed with teachers who teach the core curriculum requirements of language arts, mathematics, science, social science, Arabic language for native and non-native speakers, Islamic education for muslims, and physical education.
Middle School teachers meet regularly to plan integrated units, to discuss student concerns and successes and to coordinate testing, assignments, and homework. Students in grades 6 through 8 participate in elective programs, which include a wide variety of course selections including instrumental music, world languages, art, drama, and information technology.
The High School
The High School serves grades 9 through 12. The curriculum in the high school is an academically challenging pre-university program with an American school curriculum focus in grades 9 and 10. The International Baccalaureate (1B) curriculum is offered for grades 11 and 12. The course of study will lead to a US High School diploma at the end of grade 12, as well as the IB diploma for those who qualify.
To be successful, students must begin to think of career aspirations as well as educational plans for their years after high school and then set realistic goals for their academic program at Dubai American Academy.
In addition, students are encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities to supplement their academic program. At Dubai American Academy, it is expected that students assume responsibility for their own achievements in education while working in partnership with teacher and parent guidance.
Dubai American Academy welcomes enquiries about the US/IB curriculum. If you would like to know more information, please call 04 704 9777.