Culture of Kindness
The appreciation of others’ differences is the cornerstone of DAA’s “Culture of Kindness”. Proudly nurturing the values of kindness and respect leads our community of students, staff and parents to build a community of trust and tolerance of differences and appreciate what makes us unique. DAA fuses together individuals from diverse cultures and backgrounds to promote a respectful and positive learning environment for all of our students.
The Culture of Kindness has been at the core of DAA's community for many years.
Ian Ellston, former High School Design Technology teacher, says " I don’t believe one can start a tradition. Traditions in my opinion evolve over time, and when there is nobody left to say where that 'tradition' started, then it’s fair to say it truly is a tradition... The rapid growth of the school has never prevented the ethos of the Culture of Kindness running through the core of DAA. It stood for fairness, equality, respect and in my mindset, it encompasses just what we should all be as members of one community. We all need each other."
Thanksgiving Lunch
One of our longest traditions is our Thanksgiving Lunch in honor of our support staff.
Our massive sports hall is filled to the brim with tables and chairs to accommodate students, teachers and support staff totaling almost 1160 people. Converted into a beautiful formal dining hall with students and teachers dressing up as we celebrate our guests of honor, the support staff who work tirelessly behind the scenes to keep our school running. Students put together 150 gift bags and thank you cards for support staff. In all that we do, it is a community effort with our Parents Association, DAAPA. DAAPA always supports with the collection of desserts and beverages every year to ensure the event is successful. It is a wonderful tradition to help us all take a moment and reflect on what we are thankful for.
GEMS Jewels of Kindness
DAA has a long standing tradition of a Culture of Kindness that is part of its core. This aligns with the GEMS Jewels of Kindness and Respect that recognizes acts and deeds of kindness by our students in the community. We continue to celebrate the acts of kindness shown by our students in the community and continuously reinforce the importance of celebrating these deeds through communication and through Mrs. Murphy’s video messages to parents.